Here is a place for you to ask questions about courses being offered in the Fall 2008. Please keep comments on topic. We also suggest that you subscribe to the comments feed, to keep yourself abreast of updates to this thread.
Update: the word on the street has been confirmed. Administrative Law has been added to the fall courses. Additionally, Administrative Law and Advanced Legal Research will be taught next fall, but not in Spring 2009.
Fall 2008 Course Thread
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just a suggestion, though I don't know if this is feasible, but maybe you should allow comments to tag professors so their comments don't get lost in the fold like over at N&B.
Unfortunately, there is no way to tag the posts in the comments, so you'll just have to follow the thread carefully if you leave a question. Additionally, we may copy some of the more useful comments about professor's over into their main threads, indexed on the right.
I'd also ask that, in the future, this thread be left to a discussion of Fall Courses, and that suggestions for the page be entered under the post above.
1: There is some discussion of these topics at N&B, here, and at BLB, here.
2: If you are ready for it, I'd be glad to help jump-start the engines over here by closing comments on N&B's fall '08 thread and channeling the conversation here.
Anyone have any thoughts on Yoo v. Liu for Con Law?
Hi Vanessa,
I'm currently in Prof. L*u's Con Law class, and can tell you that it is fantastic. The lectures are complex, nuanced and interesting, and you'll certainly learn a lot. That said, I've heard nothing but rave reviews for Prof. Y*o's class, too, provided you can handle all that "buzz" that surrounds him and can disagree with a professor on some things in productive ways.
Here is, briefly, what was covered in L*u's syllabus this semester:
Judicial Review:
1. Interpretive authority: judicial review, judicial supremacy, judicial sovereignty
2. Checks on the Supreme Court's interpretive authority
Congressional Power and Federalism-Based Limits:
1. Politics versus law
2. Commerce Clause
3. Spending Clause
4. Federal regulation of the states
Equality and the Constitution:
1. Race (part I)
2. Equal protection methodology
3. Race (part II)
4. Gender
5. Sexual orientation
6. Congress and civil rights enforcement
Substantive Due Process
1. Economic liberty
2. Privacy and personhood
Any comments on Law & Investment in China with Z*loom?
I am in Y*o's con law class right now.
It is totally apolitical. He is clear, concise, and to the point. A commentator above suggests it may be necessary to "disagree with [him] on some things in productive ways"
Not my experience at all -- his personal view stay well below the radar. He is a great professor and I recommend his class unconditionally.
(PS: Go Obama!)
Question regarding registration strategy: does Federal Courts tend to fill up, or should I save it for Phase II. My feeling is that any course meeting at 8:35 on Fridays will not totally fill, but please let me know.
Back to the discussion re. g*amage. Does he not explain the material well AFTER the clicker questions? I can see the frustration about no lecture before...
Can anyone that's done it comment on taking three 4-unit classes. Does it totally suck? I'm thinking Environmental Law & Policy, Tax and Admin Law (which I think was just added to the schedule for M/Th - annoying - why can't it be M/W???).
I can't imagine three 4-unit classes sucking. I mean, it's basically the same as the 1L curriculum, less WOA. As long as you don't mind all your classes being a bit larger (which I assume those are), I'd imagine you'd be fine.
Is anyone else annoyed by the lack of L&T classes offered next fall?
Any thoughts on evidence with Prof. B?
The course description mentions a written assignment. Anyone know the extent of such assignment?
Anyone know anything about how critical Admin law is to the bar/real practice? With its weird time slot, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to squeeze it in.
Anyone who has taken accounting for lawyers: Is there really any possible way this meets the writing requirement? Or does this have to be some mistake. The description indicates it "may" meet the requirement... it just doesn't seem like your usual W course.
Our friends at the registrar's office sent this out recently (if it is at all helpful):
"Please note that there is an error in the Courses@Boalt website. Where it is indicated that the writing requirement can be satisfied, you should be aware that the course does not automatically fulfill the writing requirement. You will need to get approval from the instructor. Professor DeL*o has informed us that this is the case for his Accounting for Lawyers class."
So, it appears as if you have to get in touch with DeL*o to find out what that means. Though, I couldn't say how you'd do that...
This site may get more traction if you'd promote it and encourage student reviews.
What's more likely to fill up first-- income tax or admin?
7:03PM--not in my experience.
9:30AM--Admin. Bet on it.
I'm in L*u's Con Law class right now. Best class I've taken at Boalt.
God, I hope we don't lose him.
Is L*u's Con LAw Class going to fill up fast in registration or is it usually a giant class that everyone can into eventually?
I just have to point out that the classes listed under "course index" on this site aren't all that helpful because they list courses that, for the most part, aren't being offered in fall 2008. Maybe you should change them to the fall 2008 courses so that people who have taken those classes in the past can post reviews in the comments.
Antitrust with E*lin or IP with Van Ho*weling? Discuss!
My vote is for IP. Don't know anything about the Antitrust professor though. But IP is a good class.
What about Crim Pro v. Intro to IP?
Is the Murphy seminar going to fill up quickly?
Murphy seminar: already 2 people in it, with a cap of 20. Seems like it's going to be hard to get into.
Both Crim Pro & Intro to IP are good classes. Profs have different styles styles, though. Heard that CW does panels, no cold-calling, and MV does socratic, with powerpoint.
Since everyone is being so helpful, I'll throw out one more question.... Will Yoo's Foreign Relations seminar fill up quickly?
It seems that a "Foreign Relations Law" class hasn't been offered in two years, so it might fill up.
Additionally, as of right now, telebears indicates that 2 people are already in it, with a cap of 10 (which is in contrast to the 24 on the course guide).
"Law 2262 Sem section 01 has 2 students enrolled with a limit of 10 and has 0 students on the waiting list with a limit of 50."
Does G. Li# ever teach anything BESIDES Basic Con Law? Doesn't look like it according to the course listing.
on the Li* topic - any odds on whether he'll be around to teach con law again next year? any polite way to find out these things?
Well he's teaching it in Fall 2008. But beyond that, your guess is as good as mine.
You could politely email and let him know that you want to take Con Law with him, are planning your schedule, and was wondering if he'd be teaching in the Spring.
any thoughts on real estate transactions would be much appreciated!!
anyone know about S. M*ller for Antitrust and IP?
Reports from people registering? Any classes already full?
To the person afraid classes are filling up:
Log in to Telebears. Click the Fall 2008 tab. On the left-hand side bar there's a list of options and one is "Enroll/Waitlist." Click on that and enter the CCN for any class that you want to take. It'll tell you how many people are enrolled/on the waitlist.
It'll tell you if any class should be the first one you should enroll in when your enrollment time starts. And whether you need to start looking for back-up classes because you're never going to get into something.
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