International Human Rights Law, (L. Fletch*r)

This class will provide an introduction to the law and institutional mechanisms for the protection of international human rights. The class will examine the theory and history of the field (briefly), before turning to study the international and regional human rights treaties and their enforcement mechanisms. Non-treaty mechanisms and the role of non-governmental organizations will also be covered. The class will touch on some of the following procedural channels for implementing human rights: on-site observation and fact-finding, state reporting, individual complaints, emergency procedures, state v. state complaints, litigation in domestic courts, public discourse in international forums, international criminal prosecution and truth commissions, procedures for compensating victims, etc. The class will also address the use of international human rights standards in United States courts. The class will be conducted through lectures, speakers, problems for discussion, small group discussions, role playing exercises, etc. No prerequisites, although a background in international law is helpful.

Exam Notes: F

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